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Live view

Who's on your site... right now!

Leadbot avatar
Written by Leadbot
Updated over a week ago

Live view shows the identified companies that are on your site right now.

In Leadexplorer, you find the link to Live View in the top navigation bar. Sometimes, you'll see a number next to that link. That's how many new companies are live on your site since the last time you looked at Live View.

When you click the tab, you see not only what companies are live on your site, but also where they are located.

To learn more about the companies you can click on the company either in the right-hand panel or on the logo on the map. You then see what page they're exploring. In the right-hand panel, you also get their lead score, a short bio and a short cut to their company card. web page

The eye on the panel, right next to each company name, indicates how recent they were active on your site. The bluer the eye is, the more recent was the company active.

Live View on autopilot.

If you click the little play button in the top-right corner of the map, you put Live View on autopilot. This means that Live View loops between highlighting the different companies and the overview by itself. A fun tip is to put on autopilot and screen share the Live View to your office TV. Then all your colleagues can be involved in what goes on on your website right this moment.

Live view is available for all Leadexplorer users and you don't have to do anything to activate it. Just go and take a look!
โ€‹Go to Leadexplorer.

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